A college student’s biggest expense can often be textbooks. They can take hundreds of dollars a semester out of a student’s pocket, but a current college student in metro Atlanta says he has the solution.  He also has a lot of big backers.

In Kennesaw, an early 20th Century house is an incubator for start-up, and a college student on spring break says he’s sitting on gold.

“Do you feel you have a billion-dollar idea?” 11Alive’s Matt Pearl asked him.

Kennesaw State junior Paul Ngalle’s start-up is called TreeCabin.

“It’s a platform that would allow students to stream their textbooks,” he explained. It’s a sort of Netflix for textbooks.

“It popped into my head, ‘Netflix!’ I had a Netflix subscription at the time, and I said, ‘Why don’t I have something like this for my books?'” Ngalle said.

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